

  • date
  • 4 April 2023

« What do you get when you mix your passion for Travel and Photographycome with us to find out ! »The Passenger Photography | La Photo Autrement Nicolas Pascarel Photo Workshop 2023 PHOTO WORKSHOP IN HAVANA | CUBA1 to 8 December 2023. 8 days and nights in a full 24 hours photo workshop in Havana. Slide show with photo selection. Special Night Street Photos every day after sunset in Centro Havana, Havana Vieja and Vedado. Also photo road movie on the outskirts of Havana, along the sea during the day. Malecon at sunset every day. Also, Urbex, Art Déco architecture, street photo, reportage in the suburbs...

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Masterclass di Fotografia e Cinema | Nicolas Pascarel La Photo Autrement

  • date
  • 6 June 2022

Masterclass di Fotografia e Cinema 2023. In tutto, 80 ore di intense lezioni! "Un masterclass di 80 ore per offrire agli studenti le basi fondamentali e necessarie per imparare a “guardare e comprendere” un’immagine, collocarla in un contesto sociale, culturale e sviluppare in seguito la propria creatività. Questo corso infatti mescola fotografia e cinema che entrambi contribuiscono alla storia della luce e dell’immagine.Tengo a precisare che il corso è polivalente, potendo essere rivolto sia agli studenti di fotografia e cinema, sia agli appassionati di ogni età che potrebbero fruirne...

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My Photographic work view by Olympus Passion Magazine

  • date
  • 9 September 2019

Récemment, j'ai découvert l'incroyable travail du photographe français Nicolas Pascarel. Je vous conseille de lire son interview ici ( ou de visiter son site web ( J'étais simplement ébloui par ses images si authentiques, si spontanées. Les yeux sur ses portraits sont pénétrants, les photographies véhiculent sentiments, et sensations. On peut presque entendre le bruit de la pluie, sentir les odeurs, la chaleur, l'humidité. Le travail de Nicolas nous emmène dans ces lieux...

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Backstage Photo Workshop in Asia and Cuba with Nicolas Pascarel

  • date
  • 3 November 2015

Quelques photos des stages photo de Nicolas Pascarel à Cuba et en Asie | Some photos backstage on Photo Workshop in Havana and South East Asia,   Salva

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© Nicolas Pascarel 2017